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Latest Urdu Novels and Digests
Listed: Latest Urdu Novels and Digests
The website is create to deliver the Urdu (Pakistani language) digest, novels, imran series and English book,novels to the viewer outside the Pakistan and can not purchase that novels and digests. We try to give latest novels and digests to the viewers or stakeholders. With the time we also include the category about beauty tip, mehndi design etc. This is new site and many things or contents are missing which is under process or plan and updated time to time. So there is need to increase the viewers specially the persons reside outside the Pakistan and india. We now a day give the monthly urdu digests published in Pakistan e.g Khawateen digest, Shuaa Digest, Rohani digest, urdu digest etc
Meta Keywords
latest urdu digest rida may 2015, rida digest, urdu rida digest may 2015, latest urdu rida digest 2015, latest urdu digest
Date added
Saturday 07, 2015
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